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    Ebook. Returns the state of the socket connection.

Visual Basic TCP Client-Server

    TCP Client-Server >>  Visual BASIC >>

    Visual Basic
    This function works the same as the send () function. The main difference between send () and recv () is that the buffer pointer passed to the recv () function must point to an empty buffer, and the buffer length parameter indicates how much memory was allocated for the buffer.
    Public Function ReceiveData(strData, lngBytesReceived) As Boolean
      Const MAX_BUFF_SIZE = 10000
      Dim Buff(0 To MAX_BUFF_SIZE) As Byte
      Dim WSAResult As Long
      WSAResult = recv(mlngSocket, Buff(0), MAX_BUFF_SIZE, 0)
      If WSAResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
        SetLastErrorCode "Error in RecvData::recv"
        strData = ""
        lngBytesReceived = 0
        ReceiveData = False
        lngBytesReceived = WSAResult
        Buff(lngBytesReceived) = 0
        strData = Left(StrConv(Buff(), vbUnicode), lngBytesReceived)
        ReceiveData = True
      End If
    End Function
    Like the send () function, recv () returns the number of bytes received. If an error occurs, the function returns SOCKET_ERROR. The recv () function is also a blocking function, so it will not return until the remote host sends something or the connection is lost. You can use the IsDataAvailable () method to determine if there is some data to retrieve or not.
    Visual Basic Source Code. TCP Client-Server


Visual Basic sckConnected

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